Welcome to Best Years Ever. Hopefully yours.

Why a blog called Best Years Ever? It reflects a culmination of thirty years of striving and struggle. Raising a family, rising the ranks in a corporation, trying to always be better. Be healthier, thinner, a better mother, a better partner, a better leader, a better colleague.

Suddenly things changed when I turned 60. I stopped struggling. I kept striving but in new ways that felt less exhausting and futile. Life seemed so much better, easier, more gratifying. I enjoyed exercise for the first time in my life. I felt confident at work. I loved helping my team thrive. Of course, the kids were grown and out of the house. My husband and I actually loved the empty nest. We had a lot of fun until his cancer became debilitating. More on that later.

Now I am 65 and a half. I retired 6 months ago. I’ve been a widow for nearly 2 years. It’s time to give back to anyone who could use a bit of encouragement through their final working years and into retirement. While I consider myself more equipped to support women, perhaps men can benefit as well. I will address all the areas I have found to be challenging but surmountable. Health, friendships, becoming a grandparent, appearance, finances, getting more out of life, finding meaning, finding new interests that actually resonate with your true self and so much more. I look forward to hearing from you in the days ahead.

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